The First-Time Author's Survival Guide
by Best-Selling Author and Publisher
Mary Hollingsworth
FINALLY! Reliable answers to your many questions about publishing the book you've written. A no-nonsense, author-to-author, nontechnical guide to help you navigate the complicated and confusing road to publication. A one-of-a-kind reference book that belongs on every author's shelf, whether a first-time or multi-published writer.
208 pages
6" X 9"
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Adventures Under the
Mango Tree
A Story of Hope in War-Torn Sudan
Acting in faith and with a heavy burden for orphans, author Lillian Klepp and her husband, Dennis, sold everything they had and moved to war-torn Yei, Sudan.
Adventures Under the Mango Tree is Lillian’s journal of touching stories with heartwarming photographs of the precious orphans they help, the dedicated people who love them, and the often life-threatening struggles they face together.
What can one ordinary person do?
Read this astonishing memoir, and you’ll see.
Then perhaps you, too, can step out in faith for the sake of the gospel.
Adventures Under the Mango Tree
contains more than 30 black-and-white photos of
adorable orphans and scenes from Sudan.
Trim: 6.0" x 9.0"
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 128
Price: $15.99
Adventures Under the Mango Tree
A Physician's Biblical & Scientific Guide to Nutrition
Scott Stoll, MD
Foreword: Walt Larimore, MD
he Center for Disease Control states that more than 75 percent of diseases are preventable or reversible with no doctors, no medicine, and no surgery! Sounds impossible, right? And yet, it's truly so simple and logical that, in our so-called "enlightened" society, it seems ridiculous to us. The solution? Return to God's diet plan as described on Day 3 of Creation in Genesis 1:20. That's it!
In Alive! Dr. Scott Stoll uses the Bible, case studies, medical research, and scientific facts to teach us how to retreat from our suicidal sugar-and-fat-based diet to God's divine plant-based food plan. If we return to God's original provision of food, we can achieve renewed health, disease reversal, and energized life into our eighties, nineties, and beyond!
This is not just another fad diet--it's God's perfect food plan. Try it. You'll live longer and truly enjoy being Alive!
Appetite for Worship
Creating a Hunger for His Presence
Dr. Marina McLean
Foreword by John Kilpatrick
Have you ever tasted the wonder of true worship?
Are you really sure?
If not, you may be missing the very best this life has to offer.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. You are holy. And you alone are worthy of our praise. Those words of adoration echo across the heavens and repeat and repeat down through the corridors of time from glory to everlasting glory.
Every living thing in heaven continually worships the God of Lightfrom angels to beasts and elders. But while worship in heaven is, no doubt, astonishing, ultimate worship happens right here on earth. And through that worship we are drawn into the intimate presence of God himself, to the very throne of heaven.
Have you ever tasted the wonder of true worship?
Are you really sure?
If not, you may be missing the very best this life has to offer.
In Appetite for Worship, international worship leader and author Marina McLean leads us on a fascinating journey into the great banquet hall of God by exploring the spiritual feast we call worship. It's a celebration of devotion and eternal hope hosted by our Father.
This is not simply a logical instruction book on how to worship. It's not a rehearsal of tired clichés and overworked concepts. Instead, Appetite for Worship is a rich, personal encounter with the one who adores you, the one whose signature you bear, the one whose breath and life fill and sustain you. It's a delicious experience you'll never forget, and it will propel you forward in your search for life's deepest meaning and eternal life's highest joy.
This book will whet your appetite for worship, and you'll come away with a little taste of heaven. Buy it. Consume it.
And live a life beyond your wildest expectation!
This is not just another fad diet--it's God's perfect food plan. Try it. You'll live longer and truly enjoy being Alive!
Appetite for Worship
Bound to a Promise
A True Story of Love, Murder, and Redemption
Bonnie Floyd
Foreword: Sheila Walsh
At six o’clock on a cold, foggy morning in Fresno, California, Bonnie Floyd’s horrific nightmare began . . . but she was wide-awake!
This may sound like the beginning of a fiction thriller, but it isn’t. This is a true story, and the nightmare was all too real. Life as Bonnie had known it was over, and the future she faced was unimaginable . . . unspeakable.
Bound to a Promise is a nonfiction novel, told in fascinating, page-turning fiction style. This astonishing true story will grab you with the first sentence and hold you captive until the very last page.
This is a heartbreaking story of intrigue, murder, and betrayal with more twists and turns than the wildest roller coaster ride. But it is so much more. This is a story of redemption. This is a story of grace and of forgiveness to a depth few of us will ever know.
–Sheila Walsh, Best-Selling Author,
Speaker, and Recording Artist
Based on Scotland Yard’s investigation, newspaper reports, court transcripts, and eyewitness accounts, Bound to a Promise has it all—exotic settings, courtroom drama, real-life adventure, convicting testimony, and puzzling mystery.
The key to this disturbing drama hangs on a very crucial and binding promise made to Bonnie. Did the promisemaker keep that promise or was it broken? The answer to that burning question had everlasting consequences both for the promise maker and the one to whom the promise was made.
This shocking story is like an exciting action movie
played out in powerful print. Don’t be surprised if it captures your heart and you, too, become bound to a promise.
6 x 9
Softcover with French flaps
16-page color photo section
336 pages
$24.99 + S/H
Bound to a Promise
One Sailor's View of World War II
Chuck Zeleny
Most World War II books describe the battles, but they cover little else. Author Chuck Zeleny fleshes out the skeleton of the other books, giving you in-depth views of a navy recruit from general basic training in boot camp through specific job training on is first duty station.
In Destroyer! you'll see what ife is really like on a major navy vessel. And ou'll celebrate the victories and suffer the defeats these comrades in arms shared as they defended the United States of America in her fiercest battles.
Destroyer! is a masterful memoir. It's a detailed maritime journal. It's a man's personal journey into the war-torn Europe of the 1940s and World War II. It's a compelling story of service and patriotism. It's a true telling of a small slice of history--one not to be missed.
6.0" X 9.0"
180 pages
Diversity God's Way
Nathalie P. Jones
Robert P. Mullen
In this age of supposed enlightenment, why does Christ's church still struggle with racial inequality?
In Diversity God's Way, authors Nathalie Jones, PhD, and Bob Mullen, EdD, continue the discussion by making us aware of the pervasive reach of race relations and ways to bring healing and closeness between people who name Jesus as Lord.
Has progress been made in racial relations in the church? Yes. But there is still significant work needed to move people of faith closer to godly love and quitable actions. It can be achieved through practicing diversity . . . God's way.
6.0" X 9.0"
The Inheritance
Accepting Your Daily Gift of Grace
Sheila Bailey
Shenikwa Cager
Cokiesha Robinson
God’s wonderful grace is the very foundation of your eternal salvation. You do not need to earn it—you couldn’t, even if you tried. You do not have to purchase it—it’s far too expensive. You do not have to deserve it— you don’t. It’s a present of inestimable value purchased by Jesus for the one he adores—you!
While you may believe in grace intellectually, perhaps your real struggle is accepting that grace in your heart for what it truly is—a marvelous, divine gift of your devoted Lover.
In The Inheritance authors Sheila Bailey, Shenikwa Cager, and Cokiesha Robinson lead you on a fascinating 40-day journey into the incomparable riches of God’s grace. They help you learn how to reach out with your heart and receive this astonishing gift. This uplifting book includes:
40 thought-provoking devotionals
Daily passages from God’s Word
Prayers to begin your conversation with the Father
“Accepting Today’s Gift” personal application questions
“Your Journal of Grace” starting ideas
These three women of God bring you to the very edge of heaven by encouraging you to fully accept and receive the beautiful gift of God’s love—his saving grace.
6" x 9"
96 Pages
The Inheritance
Inside Lucifer's War
Byron J. Smith
"Empty, cold, and afraid, I hear a chanting in a tongue I do not recognize or understand. Then I hear an evil laughter over the chants, a laughter that sends a chill down my spine."
Dr. Thomas Fields, renowned writer, political science professor, and champion of atheism, awakes in the horrifying presence of Lucifer—Satan himself—and his despicable disciples. And life as Thomas has known it ceases to exist.
Lucifer has a master plan for Thomas, but first he must force Thomas to worship him alone. Suddenly Thomas lands in the midst of the Principal—a secret organization dedicated to controlling the world under the guise of creating “peace.”
The Principal’s true mission is to crush Christianity and its followers. But they need Dr. Fields to accomplish their mission. That mission could cost the lives of the friends Thomas loves and ultimately all Christians.
A riveting story of spiritual fiction…or is it?
What if it’s really true? You decide.
Trim: 6.0" x 9.0"
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 240
Price: $16.99
Inside Lucifer's War
Life with Lord Byron
Laughter, Romance, and Lessons Learned
from Golf's Greatest Gentleman
Peggy Nelson
Golf's most astounding achievement was in 1945 when "Lord" Byron Nelson won eleven straight PGA tournaments and eighteen tournaments for the season, with a 68.33 scoring average. That record still stands today and, according to many sports analysts, will probably never be broken.
Now, Byron's wife, Peggy, talks about her late husband, not just as a golfer but as a devoted Christian man, husband, mentor to other golfers, and friend to so many. Replete with anecdotes, quotes, and never-before-told stories about Byron, this delightful book will let you see inside the private life and heart of golf's greatest gentleman.
Includes 16 Full-color Photo Pages
Includes audio CD of Byron reliving his 1945 World Record Streak
Includes dozens of anecdotes, endorsements, and stories from leading PGA golfing legends and champions today
Life with Lord Byron
Make Your Vision Go Viral
Taking Christ to Great Cities
A Proven 5-Step Plan That Really Works
Dr. Gary Sorrells
Foreword by Dr. Howard Norton
Christ’s final words set out His eternal vision and direction for His disciples: “Go and make followers of all people in the world” (Matthew 28:19 NCV). It was part of His last will and testament. But how can you do it successfully?
In 1961, drawn together by their passion to fulfill the vision of Christ, thirty-one dedicated graduates of Abilene Christian University (ACU) moved to Brazil to ignite the flame of eternal hope in the hearts of South American people. Their plan was to plant churches in great Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking cities in the Latin world. And Great Cities Missions (GCM) was born.
Since then GCM has recruited, trained, and cared for more than 279 missionaries on 29 teams, successfully reaching multiple cities on the South American continent—missionaries such as Max and Denalyn Lucado, Bryan and Becky Gibbs, Kelley and Julie Grant, and many others.
Now, fifty years later, under the leadership of Gary Sorrells and others, GCM’s vision is ever expanding and powerful. And through their extensive experience GCM has crystalized a model for success in foreign missions. Make Your Vision Go Viral details that model in a proven 5-step plan—that really works! It’s a practical plan that every missionary in every church can follow to succeed.
6 x 9
320 Pages
16-page photo section
$24.99 + S&H
Make Your Vision Go Viral
Makeovers with Leftovers
Learning to Live on What's Left of Life
Sheila Bailey
Foreword by Thelma Wells
When life knocks you down, steals your joy, and
takes away your livelihood,
what can you do? God says, “Live on what’s left!”
Right. So how easy is that?
When Sheila Bailey’s husband—prominent pastor E. K. Bailey—died, Sheila faced the rest of her life alone, in deep grief, with limited income, and no life direction. What was she to do? How would she survive? Then she found the answer in 2 Kings when the prophet Elisha told a widow with only a little bit of oil,
Go sell the oil . . . and live on what’s left. (4:7 MSG)
In other words, “Live on your leftovers!” Growing up on leftovers, Sheila was familiar with that concept. And it has now become her daily mantra and powerful message, which has exploded into a dynamic ministry that touches thousands of lives each year. In Makeovers with Leftovers, Dr. Bailey provides in-depth Bible teaching, including these valuable features:
Researching the Word—exploring God’s message of hope for the hurting
Reaching Deeper Down—mining the riches of God’s healing grace
Reflections of a Makeover—true stories of people made over by God’s love
Personal Review—discussion questions for individuals and small groups
Recipe for Personal Change—a practical pattern for making your life over
Bonus: Mini Leftovers Cookbook!
Are you suffering from the loss of a loved one through death, divorce, or disease, through loss of income, housing, or hope?
Makeovers with Leftovers will renew your hope, refresh your joy,
and help you remake your image into His. Buy it. Read it. Use it.
And celebrate what’s left of your life!
6 x 9
128 pages
$14.99 + S&H
Makeovers with Leftovers
More Than a Hero
Dare to Be a Real Dad
Fatherhood is the most exhilarating, frightening,
energizing, exhausting joy and responsibility you’ll ever experience.
Only a hero can survive it!
It is a relatively simple matter for most men to become a biological father. But our God wants us to be more than just donors. He calls ordinary men to be extraordinary fathers. Real dads. You are charged to become the father of a son or daughter of God Himself–-a prince or princess of heaven—for they are, in truth, His children only put into your temporary care.
Admittedly, being a hero is no easy task. You need God’s help every day to step up to the plate and accept this vital leadership role. More Than a Hero provides insightful glimpses into fatherhood with 101 practical and thought-provoking devotionals, which include these elements:
A scripture for the day is the basis for the day’s thoughts, prayers, and focus
A short devotional helps you focus on God and your children
A prayer starter leads you into a conversation with your own Father where you can express thanks, offer praise, and ask for His help
Reflect and Respond presents questions, application ideas, fun activities to do with your children, and concepts to guide and challenge you as you put these thoughts into action in your own life
Once you really get into being a real dad, you’ll find that it’s far and away the greatest adventure of your lifetime. Nothing else compares to the thrill and challenge you’ll experience when you become a dad your children will admire and want to emulate.
Take the challenge!
Rise up and dare to become a real dad to your children--
more than a hero!
6 x 9
224 Pages
$24.99 + S&H
More Than a Hero
More Than Lipstick
You Are a Designer Original
Deborah King
What makes a woman feel beautiful? Is it the perfect makeup, a gorgeous outfit, a great personality, or an ivy-league education?
No, it’s so much more!
Every woman longs to see beauty in her mirror each morning. Sadly, the truth about her marvelous, God-created design is often marred at a young age by lies that she is not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. So her natural confidence fades, her innocence is tarnished, and she begins to hide.
In More Than Lipstick,you won’t find another to-do list to complicate your busy schedule. Instead it’s an engraved invitation to celebrate your unique design and become the fabulous woman God intended.
Writing in short, quick-read sections, author Deborah King inspires you to recognize your one-of-a-kind, divine design, both physically and spiritually. You will capture the essence of who you are as you sip your morning coffee, wait for an appointment, or while dinner is simmering.
Flavored with poignant quotations and powerful scriptures, each devotional-like section offers thoughtful Moments of Meditation to focus your mind and heart on God.
Women have turned, since the beginning of time, to manmade processes to enhance their beauty, elevate their acceptance in society, and increase their self-esteem. Deborah King has reminded us to be aware of the gift of the hand of the Divine upon our lives. Our true quest should be to reflect the Giver of all beauty.
Keitha Story-Stephenson, PhD, SkyBlue Family Ministries
Real beauty creates mystery and leaves something to be uncovered.
Uncover the designer original within you today, because
true beauty is so much more than lipstick!
5-1/2 x 8-1/2
Color illustrations throughout
72 pages
$11.99 + S/H
More Than Lipstick
A True Story of Mental Illness, Murder,
and Reconciliation
Benny Malone
In Psychotic Rage! author Benny Malone tells her painful story to offer encouragement and hope to parents and families of the mentally ill. She provides practical resources and proven principles to help people hold on during the roller coaster ride. And she gives hope for relief and healing for those who suffer as Chris suffers from a terrible, deadly illness named Psychosis that often leaves families shattered and grieving.
Fortunately, many new advances are being made, which Benny reviews in this book, that offer hope and help for families of mentally ill people.
Size: 6X9"Pages: 256
Format: Softcover with gatefold flaps
Retail Price: $21.99
The Person Beside the Bed
Encouragement for the Informal Caregiver
Jo Angelia Simpson
No one really thinks about the person beside the bed. The caregiver is like an empty chair—visitors focus on the person in the bed, and the caregiver becomes invisible.
In the United States today more than fifty million family caregivers provide an average of thirty-seven billion hours of unpaid, informal care per year for adult family members, children, and friends with chronic illnesses or conditions. Family caregivers log in from twenty-one to eighty or more hours a week, and many do
not get consistent help from other family members. Informal caregiving on an extended basis can become extremely stressful and tiring. So here’s the question: who is caring for the caregiver in your life ? Caregivers desperately need to be care receivers too. But what can you do to support, relieve, and assist the person in your life—the one who is giving so much? In The Person Beside the Bed, author Jo Simpson speaks from extensive personal experience as a caregiver, offering practical, down-to-earth lessons and resources to bolster the physical and emotional needs of informal caregivers, including these excellent features:
An informative glossary of terms that caregivers encounter
A collection of selected scriptures to uplift and encourage caregivers
A researched list of online links to valuable websites and other helpful materials
The fact is, at some point you—as a daughter, son, husband, wife, grandchild, niece, nephew, or friend—are likely to become an informal caregiver for someone you love too. And this well-packed, helpful book can be your best friend on the journey. Get it. Use it. Read it and reap!
8.5 x 5.5
88 pages
$12.99 + S&H
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The Publishing Dictionary
An Informal, Easy-to-Understand Reference
Mary Hollingsworth
It's a fact: today's publishing world is complicated and technical. The biggest challenge for newcomers trying to navigate the publishing industry, or even for those who work in it every day, is to learn the special language spoken by publishing professionals.
The Publishing Dictionary is not intended as an exhaustive or formal collection. Rather, it's a basic glossary of the mosts common terms and concepts you will encounter in the day-to-day publishing world.
An invaluable, must-have tool!
Get your copy today and learn to speak publishing as a pro!
5.5 x 8.5
102 pages
$11.99 + S&H
The Publishing Dictionary
The Spirit of Texas!
The Astonishing Story of a Pioneer
Rancher's Family & Their Mighty State
Winston Menzies
Texas! It's not just a majestic place, but it's a magnificent people! An attitude. A way of life. An undeniable spirit--the spirit of winning. William Menzies was a not-so-typical West Texas rancher.
His story, told by his great-grandson, is a powerful saga of struggling with life, wrestling with unforgiving elements of nature, impacting Texas history and ranching, and rearing a large family of survivors. It's a tale of perseverance, overcoming, and eventual triumph.
When you read The Spirit of Texas, you will be fascinated by these features:
More than 170 original Texas photographs!
Astonishing true stories of the rambunctious old West.
Details of Texas events never before told.
An enlightening account of Texas history that is accurate, exciting, and engtertaining.
An inside look at the rough0-anbd-ready ranchers and cattlemen who tried to tame the wild West Tedxas plains.
You will never view Texas the same way again.
It will become bigger than life to you--
perhaps almost as big as the actual truth!
6" x 9"
Hardcover with full-color dust jacket
272 pages
The Spirit of Texas!